Week-6 Links - Databases & Sensors
Week 6-1 - Database Introduction
Assignments Due Next Week
- Draft of Project
- 2 places - BBL and TurnItIn
- 1/team
- Database Part I
Databases Introduction
- Database Example - Amazon Search for Database
- Amazon's Database Structure (circa 2013)
- Relationships - A Drexel Buildings Example
- Drexel Buildings - Excel Spreadsheet for Database Rationale
- JEM Presentation on Database Basics
- Database Discussion - Blog Groups
Microsoft Access Introduction
- "Microsoft Access 2016 Basics" - By Steve Bishop - good Youtube Series
- Introduction Overview - 8:17 - overview of Access
- Tables 5:49
- LinkedIn Learning (Lynda.com) - Access Basics for Excel users.
- JEM Videos of Access Example
Class Assessment - Menti.com 70 25 2
Week 6-2 - Databases Development
- Databases
- Databases - Tricks and Theory - JEM Slide show
- Resources DB - Created from student submissions in prior class
- Creating Dropdowns for entering data from other tables in fields - Using Combo Boxes - Youtube 10:12
- Client-Server Model of DB 8:56- the most usual commercial application - Dates from 2009, but still the principles are valid - WP