In IB this year we’re going to make extensive use of blogs. I’ll demonstrate their use in class so this post will serve as notes to which you can later refer. This is the official blog. Here's the Student Blog you'll be using.
Entering blog Posts
If you’re working with a blog created by someone else (as in this course), entering a blog post is essentially just a matter of typing in a heading and then the text of the post as in any word processor. I will make you all co-editors of the blog once I have your gmail addresses from the survey.
I request/require in this course that you make extensive use of "Labels" (sometimes called "tags"). That way it’s easy to find all the posts on a given topic, by a given person or a in a given week. I’ll be searching for your work using those labels, which I’ve established already – you can see them in the upper right of the blog screen. For each required post in the blog please apply at least the following labels:
  • Week ### of the term in the form WeekX - e.g. Week1
  • Your Last Name
  • The general topic of your post
  • Any other labels you think are descriptive, including ones that you create yourself.
How you can enter blog Posts
The most straightforward way is directly in your web browser for the blog. You can do this from any computer or mobile device that has web access.
  • I suggest that you create your post in a word processor and then paste it in to the text format
    • Remember to apply the labels.

Following Blog Posts
The easiest way to keep up on what’s been posted in a blog is to use a "Blog Reader", a tool devoted to providing you with the latest posts in whatever blog interests you. The best I’ve found is It and many others exist for different devices - iphones and android phones.

Creating your Own Blog
If you decide to create your own blog you can do so directly on the web (Google’s Blogger is my choice, but there are many others).

If you’re going to write many posts there are dedicated programs/apps that can ease the experience. One good piece of Windows software is Open Live Writer.