About this Blog
This blog provides information used in the course Intelligent Buildings (IB) at Drexel University in the winter quarter of AY2019-20. It will include:
Prof. Mitchell's Collection of Notes
For a largish collection of Evernote notes related to the topics in Intelligent Building use this shared Evernote notebook - AE-510 Shared. (There's a version with links from previous years linked as a web page from the "Blogs Web Links" section in BbLearn.)
  • You can search Evernote using the box at the top of the page that opens when you view the notebook
    • Evernote searching works much like Google Searches
    • It's very handy to search using tags to limit the search to only those items tagged
      • e.g tag:2012 tag:future technology will find only items labeled as about the future from 2012 with the word technology somewhere in the entire title and body of the note. (1 note results)
        • In contrast technology future 2012 produces 5 notes since tags weren't specified
    • A list of tags that I use relevant to IB is included in this post from the AY14-15 Student Work blog
    • Note that Evernote's online search is a bit quirky
      • When you bring up the site in your web browser you're asked either to view or join
        • If you only view, tags are NOT available - but you can still search for words in the article
        • If you join you're required to have an evernote account (highly recommended as a general tool). Then you can search using tags as indicated above.